If you are looking to have your wedding service at St. Philip’s the first thing to say is Congratulations! It is always a joy to welcome those setting out on married life and we will do all we can to assist in planning and holding a special service for you.
Firstly check your eligibility
The Church of England is both a religious and a legal body when it comes to weddings so you do not need to go to your local registry office. However, it does also mean a qualifying connection has to be shown for either bride or groom. The most common connection is that you live in the parish. To check you do live in the parish follow this link http://www.achurchnearyou.com/ and enter your postcode.
If neither of you live in the parish, there are other qualifying connections which entitle someone to get married in a particular church. To check have a look at ‘Finding a church for your wedding | The Church of England‘. This website has all sorts of useful information to help you plan your big day, so save that for future reference. If you are still not sure that you qualify, get in touch.