
St Philip’s depends on the generous giving of the congregation and all those who have a concern for our work or our presence in the community. The clergy who minister not only to the church community but to all the people of the parish, the upkeep of the buildings, insurance, heating and lighting, and all other costs must be paid for by funds raised from donations. Other fundraising events, such as the Summer Fete and Advent Fayre supplement this. We depend on the generosity of individual donations to be able to continue to serve the community of Webheath and the wider Redditch area.

We are all in different situations, but we hope you will feel able to spend some time to prayerfully consider your giving – and give as you feel able.

If you do want to give to St Philips, there are various ways in which you can do that including giving using, regular giving to the church through the Parish Giving Scheme or by using Easy Fundraising when shopping online.


For more details of these, or other ways you can give, please contact us