Some “in-person” services will take place in Holy Week and on Easter Sunday.
The planned services are listed below, but more details will be available on the Holy Trinity Parish website Holy Trinity website
Thursday 1 April 2021
7:00pm : Holy Communion and Watch Vigil at St Stephen’s
Friday 2 April 2021 (Good Friday)
2:00pm : An Hour at The Cross
Sunday 4 April 2021 (Easter Sunday)
6:00am : Dawn Service of Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s (Outdoor)
9:30am : Holy Communion at St Stephen’s
9:30am : Holy Communion at St Philip’s
10:30am : Outdoor All-Age Holy Communion at St Leonard’s, Beoley
11:00am : Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s
3:00pm : Messy Church at Easter
Numbers at these services will be limited to ensure appropriate social distancing and covid-secure measures can be in place and it will be necessary to book places at these services.
More detail and booking for all the services will be available via the Eventbrite booking pages linked from the Holy Trinity website or at the Holy Trinity Eventbrite page
Please think of people who would like to attend but who can’t book through Eventbrite – you can always book for them
We will of course continue to offer morning and evening prayer as well as a service on Sundays at 10.30am on YouTube.